Bharosa Cell

Officer Details

About Us

  • It is a specially created cell to specifically address the grievances of women and incidents of domestic violence in this branch.

  • Women social workers and members of non-governmental organisations have been taken on the panel. They listen to the cases of victims and other family members and try to find a solution between them through counselling.

  • Unresolved cases are sent to the police station for legal action. This section deals with trafficking of children and women and children against the law.

  • Dhule Police is running a Women Protection Cell for the protection and welfare of women. This cell is the social branch.

  • Women who are victims or suffer, who have been abused by their husband or mother-in-law or Nande or have family problems, they come to the police station or directly to the women protection cell.

  • The Women Protection Cell issues a notice to the applicant or non-applicant after a complaint is registered at the police station or referred to the Women Protection Cell.

  • The staff along with the social worker in the women's protection cell try to solve the problem by counselling. If both parties are satisfied, the women's protection cell succeeds in their mission to protect women.